This Policy Page will describe the Alcove Cleaning Schedule and Chore Chart Policy, including instructions for adhering to this policy and frequently asked questions.
The Alcove Cleaning Policy
The Alcove Cleaning Policy is designed to ensure that each house is properly cleaned and maintained while promoting shared responsibility among housemates.Properties enrolled in this policy will receive a monthly cleaning schedule, assigning each tenant a common area to clean for the week.
During their assigned week, tenants are responsible for ensuring the designated space is cleaned and maintained. Upon completion, the assigned tenant will need to complete the Community Cleaning Form to confirm that the space is up to standard.
The cleaning schedule is automatically assigned at the beginning of each month, and tenants have from Monday through Friday to complete their cleaning and submit Community Cleaning Form. Failure to do so will result in a general cleaning service being scheduled, with the responsible tenant(s) covering the cost of the service To assist tenants in meeting this requirement, Alcove will send reminder emails before the deadline.
Frequently Asked Question’s
- Why is our property enrolled in the common area cleaning schedule policy?
- Homes are assigned to the cleaning schedule policy if multiple cleanliness issues have been reported within the last two months. This policy helps ensure shared responsibility and maintains cleanliness in common areas.
- Can I trade my assigned room with another tenant?
- Yes, while the schedule will be auto assigned you are welcome to trade assignments as necessary, as long as both tenants agree. However, Alcove must be notified of the switch to ensure the correct tenant submits the Community Cleaning Form.
- What happens if I miss my assigned cleaning or forget to complete the Community Cleaning Form?
- If the Community Cleaning Form is not submitted, Alcove will send multiple reminder notifications. If the deadline is still missed, a general cleaning service will be scheduled, and the cost will be charged to the tenant(s) payment account after the service is completed.
- Will I be expected to clean another tenant's mess?
- No. Per the lease agreement, each tenant is responsible for cleaning any mess they personally create. Your responsibility is to complete the cleaning tasks listed on the checklist and ensure general upkeep of the assigned common area. The purpose of this policy is to maintain cleanliness, not to assign tenants responsibility for others’ messes.
- Why am I scheduled for more cleaning shifts than my other housemates?
- The cleaning schedules are aimed to be be as fair as possible, however it is not always possible to ensure that everyone is cleaning the same amount each week. This is due to constraints based on the number of tenants present and the number of shifts for each space in a month. This being said, if you find that you are cleaning more than your housemate we kindly ask that you await the next months schedule to be posted. Our team will take the previous months schedule into consideration when creating the next one to ensure as much fairness as possible. Should you find that you are being scheduled more frequently than your housemates, please feel free to let us know.
Chore Chart Checklist
- Wiping down and/or disinfecting all surfaces.
- Vacuuming, sweeping, and/or mopping the floor.
- Ensuring that all spaces and surfaces are tidy and neat.
- Ensuring that all items are properly stored away and the space is clean and accessible to everyone.
- Ensuring that all trash/ discarded items are properly disposed of.