Occupying Non-Leased Premise

The following FAQ page will list different forms of acceptable evidence in order to issue a formal leasing violation for occupying a non-leased space.

Bedroom numbering: On move-in day, it is the roommate’s sole responsibility to confirm the bedroom number with Landlord and ensure they are moving into the correct bedroom. If a roommate moves into an incorrect bedroom, there will be a 24 hour grace period, upon notice, to move back to the correct bedroom. Thereafter, a $100 fine is applied for each day of noncompliance, in addition to any reasonable associated cleaning fees as determined by the Landlord. (Page 4). 

Soft Evidence 


General complaint

A formal complaint sent to Alcove directly from a roommate or landlord. This may be submitted in a support ticket or by emailing the support team. Must include a specific tenant responsible.


Screenshots of texts or messages indicating that a roommate or group of roommates are occupying a non-leased space, sent through texts or instant messaging apps. Must show the date and person responsible

Landlord inspection

Details from a self-inspection report conducted by the landlord, indicating lease violations. 

Hard Evidence 


Alcove inspection report

Alcove vendor has found clear evidence of the violation and has documented it in the report. 

Photos and videos

Photos/videos submitted showing violations or evidence of such. Photos must be timed stamped.