What are rules regarding security cameras and recording devices?

Whether installed by a landlord or tenant, Alcove has specific rules that must be followed for everyone's safety and privacy

While Alcove allows landlords and tenants to setup and utilize security cameras, the following rules MUST be followed at all times.

  1. Security cameras may only be positioned outside the home's main doors and should be positioned away from the home so as to record only the comings and goings of tenants, guests, and vendors.
  2. All tenants and landlords have a right to access the live and recorded feeds. Minimum of a view only setting required. No tenant or landlord is required to reimburse or pay a portion of the fees associated with the security cameras or alarms.
  3. It is the Landlords responsibility to share all security alarm codes and clear instructions on how to enable and disable the devices to the tenants. Tenants are responsible for non-emergency call fines if they were given the appropriate information to enable and disable the system.
  4. Tenants interested in installing alarms and security cameras must get approval from the landlord before installing.