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  2. FAQ for Service Vendors

Last Minute Drop Service Policy

Last Minute Drop Service Policy

If any vendor's last minute drop percentage is at or exceeds 10% they will be placed on a probation period until their last minute drop percentage is less than 10% or acceptable by Alcove.

The probation period will be determined by the number of available services for the area, the vendor's average monthly service rate and the current report submitted on time percentage. 

General Information

The last minute drop service percentage is defined as the percentage at which a service is dropped from a vendor 36 hours prior to the start of service time. This is located in your Alcove Services Portal under the vendor's Dashboard.

Who can drop a scheduled service?

Either the vendor or Alcove can drop a service from a vendor. A vendor has the ability to drop a service by going to My Jobs in their Alcove Services Portal. See How to Drop a Shift (Vendors) for more information on how to drop a service shift.

Alcove will only drop your service less than 36 hours from the start of the service time if:

  • The vendor has communicated that they will not be able to complete the service or will not be able to be there by a specific time
  • The vendor has communicated there is something that is stopping them from completing the service. This can include:
    • Do not have the appropriate tools to complete the service
    • Phone is not in working condition
    • There is an aspect about the service that the vendor does not feel comfortable completing
    • and others...
  • The vendor has been placed on probation / suspension from completing future jobs until further notice.
  • The vendor has been non communicative to Alcove for the service

Is there a limit to how many services a vendor can drop?

Vendors can drop an unlimited amount of services from Alcove's Marketplace with more than 36 hours from the start of service time. If the vendor repeatedly drops services with less than 36 hours from the start of service time this will negatively impact their last minute drop percentage. See Last Minute Service Drop Policy above for more details. 

How does a vendor improve their Last Minute Drop Service Percentage?

Some ways to decrease a vendor's last minute drop service percentage includes:

  • Plan your schedule accordingly! Pay attention to the amount of work you are claiming and the timeframe in which the service needs to be completed
  • Double check all addresses and travel times prior to claiming a service
  • If you can no longer commit to completing a service, drop the service with more than 36 hours prior to the start of service time! Any services dropped with 36 hours or more clearance will not affect your last minute drop service rate
  • Claim more services and keep them! In order to decrease your last minute drop service percentage, you need to generate timely services. By claiming services and keeping the services claimed will decrease your overall drop percentage.