Don't worry. Some HOAs confuse Alcove with other rental platforms like Airbnb or VRBO.
**Owners are ultimately accountable for complying with the HOA's rules and regulations and ensuring tenants are aware of and follow the day-to-day rules of the HOA.**
On Alcove’s platform, Homeowners can set their minimum lease lengths but no short term leasing is permitted.Neither the homeowner nor Alcove is operating a home-based business. The property is used solely for long-term renting options for groups of roommates who meet on Alcove and sign leases together.
To update the minimum lease length for any and all future lease offerings, navigate to the Alcove Landlord Manager Portal. From the properties dashboard click the "edit" button to the right of "Current Pricing" and manually update the Minimum Lease Length (see screen shot below).

Please note, these changes will only affect new applications and leases.