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  2. FAQ for Service Vendors

What is the Late Service Form Submission Policy?


The late service form submission policy is enacted when a vendor does not submit their form by 8:00 PM EST on the day the service is due to be completed.


Some Alcove services generate a range of when the job can be completed and others have a specific date and time. For example:

  Example... Service Form is Due no later than....
Date Range  Tenant Turnover Service completed between 11/1-11/3 8PM EST on 11/3
Specific Day and Time Tour at 12:00 PM on 11/1 8PM EST on 11/1

Extension Policy

Requesting an Extension

If a vendor is not able to complete the service form by 8PM EST the last day of service, they then have until 8PM EST that day to text/email (no phone calls) with Alcove that their service form will be late. When texting or emailing Alcove please use the following format:

Title/First Line: Late Service Form Submission

Type of Service

Property Name

Date of Completion (this can be the range or the exact date and time)

Reason for Delay: Explain the reason why the service will be submitted late.

Extension Timeline

Alcove will allow for an 18 hour extension on the service. This means that the service form must be completed the following day no later than 2 PM EST or it will be subjected to the Outcomes described below.

Alcove has the right to deny an extension request and no extensions will be given if not communicated as outline above to Alcove. 

Extenuating Circumstances

If the service cannot be completed due to a lack of equipment or information, still report the above to Alcove and we will contact you on next steps. When this occurs, Alcove will adjust for the service in accordance to what is needed. Some examples are, but not limited to:

  • The service is a New Property Set Up and the locks have not been delivered on the home
  • The service is an Initial Property Inspection and Marketing Materials, but the power is not turned on at the home
  • The service has access problems that are NOT due to vendor negligence. 

Late Policy Results

The following outcomes can occur if a vendor does not submit a request for form extension to Alcove, does not submit the service form within the extension period, or is recurring on late form submissions. 

Per Service 

Time Passed after Submission Due Payment Deduction Service Status
1-12 hours 25% Service still in tact
12-24 hours 50% Service still in tact
24 + hours 0% Service dropped by Alcove

Note that if a vendor asks for an extension period and it is granted put they do submit the service form within the allocated timeframe, their payment will automatically go to a 50% deduction of the quoted price. 

Recurring Services

If a vendor is recurringly submitting service forms late, one of the two following actions can be taken:

  1. A vendor is recurringly late on a specific service. This can be one specific service or services that share common features. For example, a vendor is consistently late in submitting initial property inspections and marketing materials shifts because their phone struggles with video uploads. Alcove will remove the vendor from being able to access specific service types.
  2. A vendor is recurringly late on multiple services. This is across all services over multiples attempts to redirect. The vendor will be removed from all services on the Alcove Vendor Marketplace.

Removal of services is subject to Alcove's standards and policies. Alcove has the right to remove a vendor from the Alcove Marketplace at any time.